Monday, April 21, 2008

Snack, Sex or Stress?

I woke up this morning feeling like I'm not getting enough sleep. We slept for full eight hours last night, but I just felt like I didn't rest well.

I had my occasional comfort food, Kozy Shack's tapioca pudding, last night two hours before bed. After consuming the 16 oz dessert, I felt totally guilty! Later, we had sex for half and hour before retiring to bed. Today, I woke up stressing out on the test I'll be having tomorrow.

I wonder if the snack, sex or stress that cause my restless sleep? I woke up having two pimples on my chin! Eeeeeek!

The Verdict: My speculation is the late-night snack is the culprit! My stress level was down to zero after the sex, and the sex was great. No more foods three hours before bed from now!

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